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What's new in the May 2020 release of Photoshop on the iPad (1.4) and Photoshop desktop (21.1.3).. APSB16-03 Sicherheits-Updates fr Adobe Photoshop CC und Bridge CC ... APSB07-02 Patch zur Behebung einer Sicherheitslcke, die in ColdFusion MX 7.... Adobe has released updates for Photoshop CC for Windows and macOS. These updates resolve critical vulnerabilities in Photoshop CC 19.1.5.... Note: Beginning with the Photoshop CC 2015.5 release, you have an ... If necessary, click either the Healing Brush tool, Patch tool, or Red Eye.... For a summary of features introduced in Photoshop on the iPad, see the New ... Patch Tool functionality issue with recent updates Action shortcut overrides ... Issues while using the Pen tool with Photoshop CC version 19.1.... Adobe has released updates for Photoshop CC for Windows and macOS. These updates resolve a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CC 19.1.3.... For information about the Edit > Content-Aware Fill option introduced in Photoshop CC 20.0 (.... The most current update for Photoshop CS6 is 13.0.6 (macOS) | (Windows) for perpetual/boxed licensed product and 13.1.2...


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